About The Artist

Omar Corrales Mora

Omar Corrales Mora was born on March 18, 1952 in Havana,
- Cuba. He graduated from the specialty of Painting, Engraving and Sculpture, → at the "San Alejandro" Academy of Plastic Arts, where he was the
• first file and then professor of Painting, Drawing, and Engraving, as well as professor of Perspective at the Higher Institute of Art (I.S.A.),
", with teacher Armando Suarez del Villar, Vice-dean of the Institute
Higher Art. He carried out the restoration of the altars and icons of the
in Via Crucis of San Juan de Letran, the church of the Dominicans of Cuba.
He has given numerous courses, workshops and conferences, both in Cuba
in and abroad (Venezuela, Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia) and exhibited his works in important salons, galleries and museums of
from Cuba and the world, such as the Megafine Gallery in Coral Gables,
Florida, among others.
He obtained second place in painting for "Varied and final theme" (Homage to Manuel Maria Ponce), in the Youth Salon of 1970, and first place for "Winter Landscape", in the "Salon de la Ciudad", in 1974. •